Phnom Penh, Cambodia, from 9 to 27 September 2019.
Cambodia represents an important link in the east-west transport corridor of ASEAN linking Vietnam to Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar and beyond. Cambodia will play a pivotal role in the upcoming ACTS Pilot planned for early 2020. In preparation for the Pilot, ARISE Plus held a series of training events in Cambodia for Customs officers, Government Transport officials and private sector operators. The events were held in Phnom Penh, with the valuable support of the General Department of Customs and Excise of Cambodia. The training events improved the knowledge of Customs officers using ACTS, including ACTS Customs procedures and technical management of the ACTS system. Hands-on training was provided in using the ACTS applications. Training on their role in ACTS implementation was also provided to Government Transport officials and the private sector users. The Customs Department, as the lead agency for ACTS implementation, will be carrying out further liaison with the transport agency responsible for issuing ASEAN Goods Vehicle Cross Border Permits, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport. Further consultations will also be held with the private sector, including the banking community.
More information about ACTS please visit its website:
ASEAN Customs Transit System (ACTS) Training for Customs Authorities, Government Transport and Private Sector in Cambodia