Hanoi, Vietnam, from 19 August to 7 September 2019.
Vietnam is planning to play a leading role in the upcoming ACTS Pilot in early 2020. In preparation for the Pilot, ARISE Plus held a successful series of training events in Vietnam for Customs officers, Government Transport officials and private sector operators, including the banking community. The events were held in the Customs Training Centre and Headquarters of Vietnam Customs in Hanoi, with the valuable support of the Vietnam Customs Department. The training events were designed to enhance the knowledge and skills of Vietnamese Customs officers using ACTS, including ACTS Customs procedures and technical management of the ACTS system. Hands-on training was provided in using the ACTS applications, including user management and declaration processing. Guidance on ACTS was also provided to Government Transport officials and the private sector users. The banking community was included in the private sector training, as banks will be responsible for issuing the necessary transit guarantee to ACTS Principals.
Subsequently on 7 September 2019 the ARISE Plus team was invited to attend a session of the National Assembly in Da Nang, where a draft decree on ACTS was presented to different stakeholders in the public and private sector. This decree is designed to align national laws with the provisions of the ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Goods in Transit (AFAFGIT) and its Protocols.
More information about ACTS please visit its website: https://acts.asean.org/
ASEAN Customs Transit System (ACTS) Training for Customs Authorities, Government Transport and Private Sector in Vietnam