ASEAN Regional Integration Support from the EU

ASEAN Integration Monitoring Division Further Enhances Country Visit Process

The ASEAN Integration Monitoring Division (AIMD) of ASEC is responsible for implementing the M&E framework for the ASEAN Economic Community Blue Print 2025 (AECB 2025) including compliance monitoring, outcome monitoring and impact evaluation. Compliance monitoring focuses on the collection of quantitative and qualitative data from ASEAN regional bodies and ASEAN Member States in regards to their annual commitments towards the AECB 2025 implementation to enable reporting and provision of support mechanisms. AIMD collects quantitative data from sectoral bodies via entries in its compliance monitoring database and qualitative data via country visits.

In line with its mandate AIMD has been channeling efforts towards enhancing the effectiveness, validity and reliability of the process of data collection during country visits. ARISE Plus as part of its role to support ASEC and AIMD in implementation of the AEC M&E Framework 2025 has extended technical assistance towards this initiative by organizing a two-day workshop. The workshop titled Enhancement of the Country Visit Process in AEC Compliance Monitoring was held on the 11th and 12th July 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia. The objective of the workshop was to enhance the county visit process and qualitative data collection methods used during compliance monitoring.

The workshop was actively participated by the AIMD staff. Expert presentations, discussions and exchanges took place during the workshop to meet the needs of AIMD. EU and other international best practices in compliance monitoring were presented. The presentations and discussion sessions were well utilized to maximize the outputs and outcomes of the workshop which would contribute towards AIMD capacity building for AEC compliance monitoring, subsequent analysis and research. The outputs and outcomes of the workshop are expected to be implemented during the Country Visits to Brunei and Malaysia in 2018.

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